So as I'm sure you've figured out, I
am a single mother. My daughter is 9 now, and the most inspirational
thing evarr! Every time we go on a pick, or do a project together, she
has such a cool outlook. A fresh viewpoint. A new color pallet. To
see the world from a child's eyes again....
- back on target. With single motherdom, comes a lot of
trial-and-error. It just so happens I take meticulous notes and have a
(somewhat) photographic memory. So a lot of these I've managed to
retain inside my skull for long enough to type them out of recollection,
and not have to ask the Google every few minutes ;)
Check back with this post, I will update it often. :)
For more information, or to take a look at our inventory, please visit:, or email Come back soon!!
Kitchen Hacks
- House smell fishy after cooking? Boil a little vinegar in a pot of water. Poof - no more stank! (*Note: Adding oranges and cinammon to a pot of boiling water will also accomplish this, just far slower)
Crisco Candle for emergency situations. Simply put a piece of string in a tub of shortening, and it will burn for up to 45 days!!!
- Sick of cleaning out a nasty microwave? Put a coffee cup full of water inside first and nuke it until that shit boils. It will make your task a whole lot easier.
- Used coffee has TONS of purposes! You can put it in your garden,or add some cold water to it for instant window cleaner.
- Open a banana from the bottom next time, instead of the stem. You'll be surprised how much easier it is. Seriously. Try that shit.
lifehack: to test if an egg is good or bad, place it into a bowl of water. if it sinks, it is as fresh as can be. If it floats to the top, it is no longer good.
- On the sides of every box of aluminum foil or Ceran wrap, there are tabs to push in. It will keep the roll in place. MIND. BLOWN.
To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes,
to make ice cubes clear, boil the water first
Cleaning your toilet with coca cola will get out the nastiest stains!
- Put a shot glass full of water in the microwave with your cold pizza. The crust wont taste like crap afterwards!
Cleaning Hacks!
- You can rub a walnut on a dinged up piece of wood in order to repair it :)
- Banana peels double as shoe shine cloths. Works great!
- Alka-Seltzer, coca-cola, or baking soda make great toilet bowl cleaners. Do not mix the ingredients....and if you or it didn't happen.
using 3/4 cup of oil & 1/4 cup vinegar to restore wood on old furniture without having to strip the pieces
- Vinegar is AWESOME for your hair. Mayonnaise is horrid. If someone told you otherwise, you were either being messed with, or have the driest scalp on the planet. Seriously. That shit will make your hair as greasy as the fried chicken we had for dinner.
Redneck tricks. Pass me a PBR
- Ants don't like Cinnamon.
- After slamming my finger in the nastiest of ways with a hammer, I realized that a clothespin works better. True story bro
- Going to the lake? Don't want to lose your shades? Tape a little bit of Styrofoam to each ear piece. BAM. Crisis averted.
- Squeaky hardwood floors? Put a small amount of baby powder on the problem area and sweep into the cracks. BAM. Problem solved. For a little bit at least :P
Enlarged screw holes can be quickly repaired by filling the hole with a wooden golf tee. Use a hacksaw to saw the tee flush with the wood's surface, then sand and finish.
- Nasty splinter you can't get out? Cut a grape in half and tape it (seed side down) to your finger. Now get your ass to bed, and be amazed at the nothingness it is the next morning when you get up at the crack of noon.
- Spiders hate peppermint. If you find a spider infestation however, you may wanna burn the whole place to the ground. Just to be sure. Because let's be real here. Fuck spiders.
- Ants hate Cinnamon. From my experience this only works with the black ants.
Organizational tips. You messy bastard.
Baby Tips!
- Teething baby? Cut up bananas and freeze them. Babies go Gaga! (god - did I really just use that crappy pun...?) Dabbing whiskey on their gums works too. *cough* not that I would know or anything..
- Measure your hand from fingertip to palm and memorize that number. You'll never need a ruler again.
- Place your iPod and headphones in a drinking glass for an instant speaker.
- Run out of your shaving cream? Use your hair conditioner instead. It will leave your legs soft and smooth :D
- Painting something small? Attach it to thumbtacks and use that as a base!
Sh....Don't tell anyone I told you.......
- At most Shell gas stations, you can press the air button three times, but only if you squawk like a chicken while doing do. True story.
- Need to cancel a hotel reservation and don't want to pay ridiculous fees to cancel? Call and reschedule the room for a few months later. Call back a week later and cancel. Tada!
- In need of directions? Swing into a pizza place that delivers. I'd bet you every dollar in my pocket that someone will give you accurate directions.
- Have a Savers or chain thrift store closeby? Go dumpster dive. They throw away amazing goodies.
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