Monday, November 5, 2012

Wire spool table!

We realized recently that we needed a unique and funky display table for trade shows and faires.  So I started doing some scavenging and I love the final result!

I found this interestingly shaped spool at a yard sale a few weeks ago.  The table top was made from half of an old desk.  This project took a little bit longer than originally planned, but it was well worth it.

The final result:

First, I reinforced the base.  It had been sitting in someone's backyard for who knows how long so it was quite wobbly.  It took a lot of nails and a little bit of wood glue before it morphed into a pretty solid base.  It even killed one of my hammers in the process!

Then we stained it, and stained it, and stained it some more :)

 After hunting for the perfect piece of used wood, I found one that would work!  The natural wood colors didn't match, so I decide to paint the top instead.  I then slapped on a couple coats of Polyurethane and sprinkled glitter over the top for added bling.  I love the end result!

Share your furniture making adventures!!  I do have this one for sale, but it is SUPER heavy so unless you live in Las Vegas, I wouldn't suggest buying it :(

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