Monday, November 19, 2012

'Tis the season for Christmas crafts!!

I took an old broken frame, as well as some random old Christmas decorations.  I love my handy dandy hot glue gun!

Here are some awesome paper doll cutouts that you can print out for the kiddies!! :) 

Take a boring white candle and attach peppermints to the sides using heat.  It takes a little while but the outcome is worth it, don'tcha think?

We took an old Thanksgiving wreath and replaced the veggies with Christmas paraphanelia.  It took all of 5 minutes and it came out pretty snazzy if I do say so myself :D

I think everyone has a bajillion candy canes running around from last year.  Spray some gloss on them, then throw glitter at them.  Next, get your handy dandy hot glue gun and glue them to a tealight holder.  

Below are some more random Christmas craft ideas i've found scattered throughout the interwebs :)  Enjoy!  How to make paper flowers

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